Monday, March 15, 2010

The main areas of research on and with ITE

The main areas of research on ITE:
- Learning management system / virtual learning environment
- Practical strategies on knowledge management
- Self-explanatory and user-friendly interfaces for hardware and software

The main areas of research with ITE:
- How ICT is implemented in different settings
- How ICT is adopted by students of different developmental stages / learning styles
- How ICT is used to enhance the enjoyability of learning experiences


  1. I think within the domain of ‘with ITE’, there can be two sub-domains, namely ‘for the learners’ and ‘with the learners’

    For the learners: how teachers develop IT platforms or IT-related materials for the students and how students use these platforms and materials to enhancing learning (i.e. more teacher-centered)

    With the learners: how students explore IT applications and use them to explore knowledge (i.e. more student-directed)


  2. typo in the 1st comment: should be 'to enhance'
