Tuesday, March 30, 2010

6024 Reflection and Experience

It is the most enjoyable module that I have attended in my past 10 years of life-long education.

The learning objects are trendy, hi-tech, also a necessity of our daily life. What can we do with Web2.0 applications? How to improve the teaching and learning in virtual learning environment (VLE)? How can we share our literature review in social bookmarking?

The cultural mix of this 6024 class has demonstrated that study is not only for a degree or qualification that we need, but also the active learning attitude that we should have. Most of our classmates did the preview of the course material before class, uploaded the information and sharing to enhance the motivation of others. Also, in the blogs of each group, all of us shared as much as information links and sharing the experience of learning and teaching with the new technology.

E-learning, student-centered teaching, mobile learning, web2.0/3.0 applications and other technology in classrooms have become the “Blue Ocean” for my career development as well as my study goal.

As member of “Never Too Late”, though, I have missed the first two sessions of this module because of the administration procedure, I am so lucky that I joined this class and worked well with my group & classmates!

Thanks Bob, I will never forget the motto of teaching you have mentioned,
Always needs: “A.I.R- Active, Interactive & Reflective”.
Thanks for your support and guidance.

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