Thursday, March 11, 2010

Google Map with HK Street Views (Chinese Version)

Have a look! The Google Map with HK street views is recently launched, we can through this view the actual Street views anytime and anywhere!!


  1. Yup! This is a very nice function from the Google Map that we can browse the exact view of any location through this application, which is much better supportive to 2D map and satellite images. I came across the car recording the street view a few times before and finally the product is launched~

    Btw, does any one know that will our lesson tonight be held in RM201 or the experimental classroom??

  2. If this where civilian technology is at, I wonder what the US military has!

  3. The details and coverage of this thing is amazing!

  4. Great! I am thinking about how to use Google Map in teaching and learning.

    A simple activity in an English grammar lesson can be as follows: students describe what they saw in Google Map in English and practice how to use prepositions of place.

    A more complicated activity in an English writing lesson can be as follows: students are real estate agents and asked to write promotion leaflets. They browse Google Map in groups and describe an estate and its surroundings. This is great for those who consider field trips as not a very viable teaching option.

    In these two cases, Google Map provides students with an authentic context, which may be highly motivating.

