Tuesday, March 30, 2010

6024 Reflection and Experience

It is the most enjoyable module that I have attended in my past 10 years of life-long education.

The learning objects are trendy, hi-tech, also a necessity of our daily life. What can we do with Web2.0 applications? How to improve the teaching and learning in virtual learning environment (VLE)? How can we share our literature review in social bookmarking?

The cultural mix of this 6024 class has demonstrated that study is not only for a degree or qualification that we need, but also the active learning attitude that we should have. Most of our classmates did the preview of the course material before class, uploaded the information and sharing to enhance the motivation of others. Also, in the blogs of each group, all of us shared as much as information links and sharing the experience of learning and teaching with the new technology.

E-learning, student-centered teaching, mobile learning, web2.0/3.0 applications and other technology in classrooms have become the “Blue Ocean” for my career development as well as my study goal.

As member of “Never Too Late”, though, I have missed the first two sessions of this module because of the administration procedure, I am so lucky that I joined this class and worked well with my group & classmates!

Thanks Bob, I will never forget the motto of teaching you have mentioned,
Always needs: “A.I.R- Active, Interactive & Reflective”.
Thanks for your support and guidance.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Lesson on 29 March 2010

Hi, Kui and Gareth,

Don't worry, it was fine in the last lesson. We have presented our in-progress of the ditigal portfolio that is our blog presentation, Cat and myself shared with others our personal learning experience.

Secondly, this was the last session, we completed the questionnaire on course evaluation as well as the evaluation on the experimental classroom. What's more, we played the clicker to experience how it added value to teaching and learning in the class for collecting online feedback from students. We raised questions about our assignments as far as we were concerned. You may just refer to this from the course outlines from the moodle.

One thing we suggest everyone to do is to post our reflection in the blog about our own learning experience through this collaborative project before Cat upload this to Bob on 19 April 2010.

What do you think?
Sorry I missed class, guys- I was off work with flu, had an afternoon nap and woke up after 8! What did I miss?

Sunday, March 28, 2010

iphone Music Play

A Korean girl uses iPhone to create her own music. Funny and creative!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Mobile Technology Updates

One more video providing updates on the world technology from Mobile World Congress. Worth of watching!

Mobile Technology

Mobile Technology

Mobile technology has increasingly important impact on teaching and learning, we have one mobile phone or cell devices at least for use everyday.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Session7: Mobile technology in school or workplace

Group activity: Consider uses of mobile technology in your school or workplace. Upload to Group blog and present in class.

Responses from Never too Late:

Possible application:

I) Workplace : Project / employee management system
- Mobility: staff members are not confined to physical space (like staying in the same office)
- Providing a communication channel and common working platform to share idea and synchronize data

II) School: Individual teaching and learning tool
- Allow instant feedback on both answering, marking and reporting processes
>>> imagine if the teacher could post questions, quizzes etc, students could text their answers to a server which could a) mark it, b) record their marks in a student’s file, c) tell the teacher of that mark and d) provide feedback to both teacher and students. The would eliminate many repetitive and time-consuming tasks for teachers. The teachers can never need to spend further time to mark homework and quizzes.

Issues to concern
- Education purpose (before: social communication only)
- Critical thinking on the use of technologies
- Saving time and cost
- Compatibility of hardware and software, technical ability or knowledge to handle the machines or software

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Cases of applying IT in TnL around the world

The website provides a lot of video capturing about schools, groups and individual around the world trying to adopt computers and information technologies in the teaching and learning context. It is good for basic review purpose with video documentation about the use of different tools in a variety of educational level.


Thursday, March 18, 2010

Useful resources for enhanced teaching and learning

Microsoft Onenotehttp://office.microsoft.com/zh-tw/onenote/default.aspx

The hidden side of technology

What do you think?

I watched a TV advertisement and was talking about how a loan company could facilitate your financial needs through the use of technology. In order to convenient the customer, the loan company will arrange a van drove to your living area and invited the customer to get on the van for video conferencing and processed the loan without requiring face-to-face meeting.

I think as with many other educational issues, technology misuse should be taken into consideration. The ethical issues should not be overlooked particularly in education settings.

Monday, March 15, 2010

321... 0? The Experimental Classroom, a Hero or Not?

So far...


The displays are really effective. It is handy and helpful to see the work of others on large displays with a bonus being that sitting close to your notepad and a laptop make it a breeze to take notes and search for any desired information.

The teacher has a strong 'command position.'


It stinks

  • Get some better plastics, glues and paints. Involve some experimental lab, small faculty or small group to help design or acquire materials that are less toxic.

It's unnatural

  • Get some plants and flowers that look and smell natural and pleasant.
  • Use the projectors/LEDs to change the stark-white walls and ceiling to calmer scenes.

Students are not tech-support

  • If Technicians had a job sheet for room set up that included allowing laptops to play video and audio through the room's displays and speakers there would be no need for students to open the cable recess.
  • A desktop wallpaper ‘Troubleshooting Guide’ could be an effective back up.
Barriers to collaboration
  • Replacing the top level's semi-circular barriers with a slim-line bannister (with an open-mesh fence) would greatly improve the sound transference and line-of-sight vision between the three levels.
  • Desktop microphones should be sensitive enough to avoid the spread of lipstick.


A more cylindrical design with high, flat ceilings that employed multiple projectors with a surround sound system including subwoofers could add to the experience. (LEDs embedded in the walls and ceiling might be a better choice.) 'Movies' could be projected on the walls and ceiling while students heard it all in surround sound. Imagine if teachers could take students ‘inside’ another time and place. For example:
  • History: Walk through a Roman town. Stand inside a battlefield while the battle rages around you or be there when the Magna Carta or Declaration of Independence are signed.
  • Science: Travel through the body’s bloodstream, examining diseases as you go (like the film ‘Innerspace,’ only good). Walk through the inside of an atom. See what happens when a nuke detonates.... from 100km, 50km, 5km, 5m.
  • Social Issues: See what a segregated house on the Ole South was really like or march on Washington with a million others.
  • Any lesson: Project a blue sky with fthe occasion fluffy white cloud and bird sounds. Create a nice atmosphere to start a creative activity. If the teacher needs to get attention quickly, the ‘sky’ could reflect this in an instant. If the teacher became angry, storm clouds and thunder (with rumbling floors from the subwoofer) would leave students in no doubt that they should be quiet and listen.

  • 3D would be a necessity.

Our potential research topic

Slide 14
ØHow could ICT improve the efficiency and effectiveness of writing tasks in English Panels?

To expand: How, when and where can ICT be employed within the teaching-learning-assessment-feedback, etc. cycle of writing tasks (long tasks such as compositions in particular but it could be used for all text types) to improve learning outcomes and the efficiency of teachers.

From first-hand observations and experience, there is a dire need!

The main areas of research on and with ITE

The main areas of research on ITE:
- Learning management system / virtual learning environment
- Practical strategies on knowledge management
- Self-explanatory and user-friendly interfaces for hardware and software

The main areas of research with ITE:
- How ICT is implemented in different settings
- How ICT is adopted by students of different developmental stages / learning styles
- How ICT is used to enhance the enjoyability of learning experiences

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Google Map with HK Street Views (Chinese Version)

Have a look! The Google Map with HK street views is recently launched, we can through this view the actual Street views anytime and anywhere!!


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Introduction to Voice Thread

Did you see this before, well a nice tutorial, I think my clients would love to learn it. Regina

Monday, March 8, 2010

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Two reasons to look forward to tonight's class

1. Voice Threads
I looked up the materials today at lunch and actually swore out loud while watching the clip. If you've ever wondered how to set instructional materials on the web that are truly, deeply and incredibly interactive, wait and see this incredible learning object.

2. The experimental classroom
While the 'greeny' in me balks at the sheer volume of toxic fumes from a) the coal-burners which produced the power to run the room, b) the output from the factories which made all that plastic and other nasty stuff and c) what will happen when they are disposed of, i can't halp but get excited by at least one thing: the 'Sunvote.' If you've ever craved giving instant and accurate feedback to your students, you may find this irresistible. When someone figures out how to hook it up to a graphics tablet it'll be brilliant. I can't help but add that I'm not sold on the layout but maybe it'll work. I'm happy to give it a chance.

See you tonight!

Photo Story 3 - complementary tool to Movie Maker

Photo Story 3 is a free software from Microsoft for making slide-show. It can be used together with Movie Maker, which is primary designed from movie editing, to serve different purposes for photo-storytelling. A description about the difference of the 2 applications and how both of them can be used together is shown here.